64 years woman from Maine punched a Bear in the Face

64 years woman from Maine punched a Bear in the Face: Lynn Kelly, a 64 years woman from Maine punched a bear and saved her dog from an attack by punching the bear in the face. This was a very brave thing to do. Kelly was working in her garden when the thing happened in Porter, a town near the border with New Hampshire. People are now more aware of bear encounters in the area because of this amazing experience. Let’s find out more about this brave act and the steps that the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife suggests.

The Encounter:

According to the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, Lynn Kelly’s dog ran into the woods after barking nonstop. When the dog came back, a bear was running after it. As the bear came closer, Kelly quickly called her dog and stood her ground. Both the person and the bear looked at each other in shock. Kelly went up to the bear and punched it in the nose because she was determined to protect her dog. During the fight, the bear bit her right hand and left holes in her wrist where it had bitten. The bear ran back into the woods after the meeting, and Kelly called 911 right away for help.

Treatment and Trying to Catch the Bear:

Kelly’s injuries were treated right away at a nearby hospital, and she has since been released. The accident didn’t hurt her dog in any way. In order to catch the bear that attacked, the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife set up two live traps. The bear had been seen in nearby yards before, but no one has seen it since the meeting. Wildlife officials are working hard to make sure that people are safe by dealing with the bear in the area.

Bear Safety and Precautions:

There are an estimated 24,000 to 36,000 black bears in Maine, so people are told to be careful when they see them. The Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife recommends keeping a safe distance from bears and not putting them in a corner or making them angry. When walking their dogs, owners should use leads that don’t retract and stay out of the way if they see a bear. Bear problems can also be avoided by getting rid of things that bears like to eat, like bird feeders and trash cans that are easy to get to.

Lynn Kelly was brave when she fought off a bear attack on her dog. This shows that wildlife encounters are possible in Maine. This shows how important it is to stay safe around bears and how important it is to respect their strength. By following the rules set out by the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, people can avoid having too many problems with bears and make sure that they and the local wildlife are safe.

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