Why Noem Believes Trump is Destined to Emerge Victorious in 2024!



Why Noem Believes Trump is Destined to Emerge Victorious in 2024:

Introduction: South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem recently made headlines with her statement that she sees no viable path to victory for any candidate other than former President Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential election. While speculation had surrounded Noem’s potential presidential ambitions, she asserted her commitment to governing South Dakota and downplayed the possibility of her own White House bid. As the 2024 GOP presidential primary race gains momentum, Trump’s continued popularity remains evident, as reflected in polling data.

  1. Noem’s Stance on the Presidential Race: Governor Noem, a prominent Republican figure, expressed her belief that no other candidate currently holds a clear path to victory in the 2024 presidential race besides Donald Trump. By aligning herself with Trump, she reflects the continued support that he enjoys within a significant faction of the Republican Party.
  2. Speculation Surrounding Noem’s Presidential Ambitions: Following Noem’s successful reelection bid as South Dakota governor last year, speculation arose regarding her potential run for the presidency in 2024. However, in her recent interview with KWAT News, she emphasized her dedication to governing South Dakota and her focus on the responsibilities of her current position. This signals a prioritization of her state’s affairs rather than immediate aspirations for the presidency.
  3. Focus on South Dakota Governance: Governor Noem highlighted her commitment to effectively govern South Dakota, highlighting her dedication to the state’s interests and her role as governor. Instead of joining neighboring North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum in launching a presidential campaign, Noem chose to concentrate on her current responsibilities, which resonate with her constituents.
  4. The Hypothetical Scenario of South and North Dakota Governors Running for President: In a lighthearted moment, Governor Noem pondered the possibility of both South Dakota and North Dakota governors vying for the presidency in 2024. While she acknowledged the interest this would generate, she firmly stated her focus on South Dakota and her dedication to the duties of her current position.
  5. Trump’s Dominance in the GOP Primary: Governor Noem emphasized the significance of Donald Trump’s presence in the 2024 GOP presidential primary. Despite a growing number of Republicans entering the race to challenge Trump, he maintains a substantial lead according to polling data. RealClearPolitics’ average of primary polls shows Trump with 52.1 percent of support, far ahead of other contenders, with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis in second place with 21.5 percent.

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem’s recent statement regarding the 2024 presidential race highlights her belief in former President Donald Trump’s dominance and casts doubt on the chances of other candidates securing victory. As Noem focuses on governing South Dakota rather than pursuing her own presidential aspirations, she aligns herself with a significant faction of the Republican Party that continues to support Trump. As the 2024 GOP primary race unfolds, Trump’s enduring popularity and lead in polling data indicate that the path to victory may indeed be challenging for any contender aiming to unseat him.


  • South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem believes there is no viable path to victory for any candidate other than former President Trump in the 2024 presidential election.
  • Speculation had surrounded Noem’s potential presidential ambitions, but she stated that her focus is on governing South Dakota and not running for president.
  • Noem highlighted her dedication to governing South Dakota and downplayed the possibility of launching her own White House bid.
  • She contrasted her approach with North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum, who recently announced his campaign for the presidency.
  • Noem mentioned the hypothetical scenario of both South and North Dakota governors running for president, but emphasized her current focus on South Dakota.
  • She expressed doubt about endorsing any candidate in the 2024 GOP presidential primary, citing Trump’s presence in the race and the current political landscape.
  • Polling data shows Trump maintaining a comfortable lead in the 2024 GOP primary, with 52.1 percent of support, followed by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis at 21.5 percent.

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